Hi All,

I have win7 and we have some computers in LAN.
Now i want to remotely access my friend's computer.We are developers and want remotely help each other without moving here and there.
I know these two option.Windows remote assistance, remote desktop connection.

When i connect using remote desktop connection one of computer is logged off.
There may be any other option which i may not aware of.

Guide me.


Since you are aware about Windows remote assistance, I think you must know how to use this service. If yes, then great; otherwise if you want some help with it then refer this Microsoft Technet article.

To access LAN or remote computers, without disconnecting the other user, install and use either TeamViewer or TightVNC (Server and Viewer)

Both computers need to have the apps installed to allow access

Thanks both for reply.
I also need to access my own folders while accessing other pc.
Will check in more detail.

To access own folders is easy, just share the folders from your pc itself, then using the network drive mapping function in Windows, you can easily access the shared folders from the other pc while being connected to it

thanks for sharing.

Yeah friends. Team Viewer is kewl..

Few months before i have seen something on one of my friend's computer.
I forget the name,now i get it. Its Netmeeting.

Its already there in windows.
But i have win7,i didn't find it. i think its a version issue.

Netmeeting supported upto XP I think, then they phased it out of newer Win OS

I find RealVNC to be my favorite for this purpose. The free version works great and is very user friendly. Just another option. :)

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