Not sure if this is a hardware or software problem -

Windows 7 Home Premium and Levovo Edge 14. I have tried to burn CDs using Windows Media player and also CDBurnerXP. The discs will not finalize. Both get to about 99% and gives error message. Windows Media Player gives the following message:

Windows Media Player cannot burn the files. If the burner is busy, wait for the current task to finish. If necessary, verify that the burner is connected properly and that you have installed the latest device driver.

CDBurnerXP error message is more general and suggests a possible problem with the media (Sony CDs).

I did not have this problem before, this is a recent issue.

Levono has not driver updates for this problem.

Thanks in advance for any help.

I look forward to any suggestions.

Try to check whether your cd/dvd-rom has correct drivers install. If not, reinstall driver for your cd/dvd-rom and try to burn again. If the problem persist, download a small .iso format file (any would do) for example MHDD3.6.iso from internet and burn it using windows default cd burner (just right click the .iso file and select 'burn with' "windows cd/dvd burner" or that has windows title in it.

If that won't work, then there's something wrong with your cd/dvd-rom hardware. If you have an external dvd-rom burner, try to use it and burn any cd/dvd and see if it works...

Try to check whether your cd/dvd-rom has correct drivers install. If not, reinstall driver for your cd/dvd-rom and try to burn again. If the problem persist, download a small .iso format file (any would do) for example MHDD3.6.iso from internet and burn it using windows default cd burner (just right click the .iso file and select 'burn with' "windows cd/dvd burner" or that has windows title in it.

If that won't work, then there's something wrong with your cd/dvd-rom hardware. If you have an external dvd-rom burner, try to use it and burn any cd/dvd and see if it works...

Uninstalled and let PC reinstall, no change, talked Lenovo into sending new drive, will advise results then.

First check out if your CD or media file is not corrupted. Later on check if your cd/dvd drive is connected properly.

First check out if your CD or media file is not corrupted. Later on check if your cd/dvd drive is connected properly.

if it is able to write disk up to 99%, it means it was connected properly... It have to be either cd/dvd rom problem, software problem or driver problem. Correct me if i'm wrong...

Also, did you try to burn other data using other software?

if it is able to write disk up to 99%, it means it was connected properly... It have to be either cd/dvd rom problem, software problem or driver problem. Correct me if i'm wrong...

Also, did you try to burn other data using other software?

other software

Yes, I did, please see first post.

lenovo sent a new driver. works fine, so it was the drive which i suspected. Thanks a lot all.

great ,now please mark this thread solved ,thanks

commented: Canadian greedy for more solved threads count. Hehe. Maybe i should post too before the poster mark the thread as solve. lol +9
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