Which Windows OS functionality is fast and more user satisfied OS?
Windows 7 (or) Windows xp (or) Windows 98 second Edition?

Windows 98 is very old i knew. But its good to compare with latest OS's .Because Nobody will forget about windows98 whomever used before XP revolution.

Thanks in advance.

Oh boy. When I read the title I immediately thought: XP or 7.
If you have a lower-end computer, go with XP.
If your comp is pretty fast, go with 7.
Also, in the next few years, XP will be outdated, so in any case I would pick 7 unless your system can't run it, or lags during running.

Personally, XP is much better than 7.
It's not that user friendly but most people gotten used to it already and simply easier to use compare to windows 7...

I'm quite stumped when people never mentioned to install Vista when they have either XP or 7 on their system...

Windows 98/ME is very old and I'm sure you already know and I also have used win98 so I can't also forget it. Easier to tweak, simple environment and most recent software still support 98. But XP has already steal it's glory so it's best to put it to bed...

commented: false kind of review. facts are wrong! +0

You have to depends on your computers specs too. I prefer Windows 7 since i always like the latest technology. If you are familiar with Xp than stick with it. You can always have both OS on your computer/ laptop if you want too.

May I have your computers spec? Like your ram, processor and others? Thanks

May I have your computers spec? Like your ram, processor and others? Thanks

Its more than 8 years old.
Processor P3 933 mzh.
Motherboard VIA
RAM 512 mb+256 mb
HD- 40 gb.
Operating System - Windows 98 Second Edition.

Processor i5-680.
Mothrboard Intel
RAM 3gb
HD -500 gb
Operating System - Windows 7 Professional & Linux ubuntu

XP on your desktop and your OS's are good on the laptop.

As suggested by blackcathacker

XP should be good with your desktop and remove win98

Any OS should be fine on your laptop but windows 7 is the most recommended one. I see you have dual-boot your laptop with Ubuntu as well. Happy to see one...

The only case I'd make for Win98 is if you have some hardware or software you need, that cannot work (or work well) on later versions of Win.

For me, it's a large format printer that never got drivers in XP that fully use its capabilities.

I prefer Windows 7 is the best windows operating system because it has more features than windows XP and Vista.

Apple is seconded after Windows?
Sorry but in my country, Mac OS X were the least one to expand/mentioned with Ubuntu (linux distro) seconded after Windows as well.

Distribution of Mac software were hardly done anyway in most part of Asia (except portable Apple product like iPad, iPhone etc.) because Windows control the majority there. So it was like comparing either XP or Seven only instead of comparing OS's.

Linux were also in same condition as Mac but not worst than Mac. Why? Because it was freely distributed and most people here loves free over paid ones but they tend to choose the easiest one to use for years like XP...

I can't say I like or hate Windows because at the same time I also use Linux but i've never touch Mac so far...

Windows 7 is far better than Windows XP and Windows 98 second Edition. It is more secured, better looking and user-friendly than other operating systems.

As per my opinion windows7 and the windowsxp is the best . I love this language.

Windows 98SE was good at the time; then XP became a preferred choice of MS Windows OS, with cool features and great functionalities. XP was more compatible with third-party software drivers than its predecessors. Now, Windows 7 is the best of them all, with dazzling features and enhanced functionalities that are second to none! As mentioned above, if you have a high-end system configuration, why not go with Win 7?

Well I would say windows xp is the ideal OS for uses than the windows 7, because windows xp got the priority to support all most all the software, but windows 7 is limited for only particular software.

Well I would say windows xp is the ideal OS for uses than the windows 7, because windows xp got the priority to support all most all the software, but windows 7 is limited for only particular software.

oh,your just saying that, so you can tell us about bird food !!lol

Well I would say windows xp is the ideal OS for uses than the windows 7, because windows xp got the priority to support all most all the software, but windows 7 is limited for only particular software.

That was when windows 7 first came out. Now most support are on Windows 7 and Microsoft has stopped supporting XP now except XP SP3. Stop linked signature troll already...

Windows XP is good,but Windows 7 is way better for me with very nice UI.
I have one older pc and windows 7 works great.

According to your PC Specs Windows XP is the Best to you.

Windows XP is good,but Windows 7 is way better for me with very nice UI.
I have one older pc and windows 7 works great.

Hello Croatia Kroatien Croazia, have to say this is the first time i ever met a country ,would really like to met you in person someday.lol

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