acebyte 0 Newbie Poster

For many Windows XP users, when the operating system crashes or some inexplicable errors occur, generally they repair the system by Ghost or reinstalling operating system. However, these methods have shortcomings. Reinstalling system, the original system settings and software will be gone and have to be installed again, very troublesome. In fact, each system error can be repaired by a certain method. The system repair function of Windows XP is very powerful, with which you can fix system errors and update system files. What’s more, the original system settings and installed programs will not change. Let’s start with system booting failure.
When Windows does not boot in Safe Mode or other startup options, you can try the following two methods.
A. Use “Last Known Good Configuration”
In the start menu of Windows XP, you can select “Last Known Good Configuration” to restore the registry.
1) When restarting the computer, press “F8” until the Windows Advanced Boot Options Menu appears.
2) Select “Last Known Good Configuration”, and press “Enter”
When the computer starts in “Last Known Good Configuration”, Windows only restores the registry “HKLMSystemCurrentControlSet”. Any changes made to other registries will remain and will not be restored.

B. Use Recovery Console
When the computer cannot start, you can also run the Recovery Console from Windows XP installation CD to repair the error.
1) Insert the installation CD and restart the computer from CD-ROM.
2) Press “R” to select the repair option.
3) When the prompt appears, input the local Administrator account and password. In most cases, you need the inbuilt account and password to use Recovery Console. The account and password is blank by default.
4) In the system prompt, input “Fixboot” command and press “Enter”. Then the system will write in system partition a new partition boot sector, thus to repair the system error.
5) Input “Exit” command and press “Enter” to exit the Recovery Console. Restart the computer.

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