HELP! I have been trying to fix this issue for 3 days now. I have read about every post I can find on DaniWeb that deals with my problem but none of the fixes have worked. I am by no means an expert.

My problem is that I can not boot XP.

My computer turned itself off a few days ago and I have not been able to reboot since.

I have attempted to reistall XP with the disk but it continues to give me an error once I hit enter to install.

I ran chkdsk and it tells me that I have one or more issues.

any help would be great! My boyfriend is going to kill me for even trying to fix it. But he is not here. So.. :twisted:

What brand of computer do you have?

jettbook pentium 4

Reseat your hard drive, reset the BIOS to the factory defaults, then try to boot from the cd again.

If it doesn't work you can also use a boot floppy to fdisk your hdd and install XP clean.Check for more info.

either: A) insert your xp cd rom, select repair, select recovery console...

at the prompt, type in chkdsk /f /r

let it scan and complete, then restart and install windows... OR

B) insert xp cd rom, find the partion, enter setup, hit D to delete the prartion
then recreate the partiton... and let if format as NTFS, then install

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