help.. im new to this site. In order to sign into my msn i first have to change my password. I change my password and then sign in, im on for like 5 mins and it says ive signed onto another computer. I know what your all thinking " well sumone obviously has her password and is sigining onto her account from another computer .. dummy" BUT this has happened to the last 5 addies ive had and the same thing happens within five mins of creating my newest addy! changing my password for 5 mins of chatting and then signs out on me and THEN having to change it AGAIN for another 5.... starting to get on my nerves..... i miss my msn .. does ne one kno whats happening???? plz help me .. i kno nothing about computers lol :cry:

sumbody plzzzzz lol

I would scan the computer for spyware/viruses. You might have a key logger there. Also after you do that uninstall/reinstall MSN as there might be a problem with the program itself.

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