Hey guys,

I recently installed a new copy of Windows 7 on my Dell Studio XPS computer. I successfully installed the Wifi drivers on the computer for the wireless card, although it always says windows was unable to find any wireless networks.

I checked to make sure all the drivers are installed correctly, the only two drivers i don't think I have installed are an ethernet controller or PCI simple communicatons control. Could this be affecting the WiFi? I couldn't figure out how to find out what type of those 2 I have, or find either drivers.

This is driving me nuts i've been trying to fix it for over a week, any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

two drivers i don't think I have installed are an ethernet controller or PCI simple communicatons control

it isn't going to work with out those ,use you dell service tag and download the chip set drivers i think ,if it doesn't show one ,go to networking and download controller from there ,enter you service tag here .

this is from my dell ,drivers page and it only showed one device drive ,and the controller driver ,i installed both and it worked .

Well i've been trying to figure this out for hours. There is nothing for me to download from dell, my service tag = jss6qL1....there's one driver under networking and I already have that downloaded.

My room is upstairs and the router is downstairs. On my old computer the wireless worked fine. I got it to work somewhat today (had about 1-2 bars, worked for 3 minutes at the longest) in my room. It kept disconnecting, trying to connect, and just overall not working.

I've been reading a lot of bad things about the adapter I have online DW1525 (802.11n) WLAN PCIe Card.

Should I upgrade the adapter? All the parts in this computer are great, i don't see why this adapter should be this bad.

well, I have dell Inspiron, it has the same problem couple of month ago. I have tried many things, search on google for help by unable to solve the problems.
So, i call the technician for the <snipped link>. I don't know what he did on my laptop. Afer some time when he finished something like executing command he told me that my laptop is now connected. I restart my computer several times & find my wifi is working fine.

well, I have dell Inspiron, it has the same problem couple of month ago. I have tried many things, search on google for help by unable to solve the problems.
So, i call the technician for the . I don't know what he did on my laptop. Afer some time when he finished something like executing command he told me that my laptop is now connected. I restart my computer several times & find my WiFi is working fine.

i don't think anyone should give this site a call and let them have access to there computer ,if you need this then call your computer manufacturer, most offer this type of support, i don't think the issue here is with a work/trojan so link in post above is miss leading

download and run Speccy program to give us a bit more info on what on thelaptop .it fee and safe ,run it and when its done go to file and click on publish snap shot,copy the link to clipboard and paste it here .

I have wifi problem with my dell 1525 when i intall windows 7 to it. Whenever i try to connect it start connecting after a couple of minutes it shows the error unable to connect. I install wifi driver & even format my lappy many times but unable to get a soluton.
Than i decided to take the technical help, as one of my frnd suggested, from the iGennie technical solution & there technician just run some commands, and my laptop wifi working fine.
wooow.... thanz to iGennie.

Than i decided to take the technical help, as one of my frnd suggested, from the iGennie technical solution & there technician just run some commands, and my laptop wifi working fine.
wooow.... thanz to iGennie.

you let some online tech support sitr have access to you computer ,how do you know that the file you had to download wasn't a trojan ,and now they are watching your every move, and what about payment ,i assume you used a credit card ,and now they have your number , or maybe you just a signature spammer .if you are,then i would suggest to other who think your idea is a good one to be wise and be careful when dealing with online tech support ,most are just another scam

I believe that is a driver problem similar with what i encountered with my Compaq laptop on my first installation.

Try to visit your laptop manufacturers website cause they may have supports for the drivers, or better yet solutions.

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