
I'm running windows xp professional and just recently I've been getting this error message when I log on: Error in C:\Windows System 32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\DLCJtime.dll\Missing entry:RunDLLEntry. It doesn't seem to affect anything but what should I do to get rid of this?

Thank you for any help

It doesn't seem to affect anything but what should I do to get rid of this?

You could try uninstalling/reinstalling your printer and its driver/associated software.
Did you mess with your printer setup lately to cause this error?

Cheers :)

You could try uninstalling/reinstalling your printer and its driver/associated software.
Did you mess with your printer setup lately to cause this error?

Cheers :)

Thank you very much, it worked! You made my day

Thank you very much, it worked! You made my day

You're welcome :)

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