Hi all,

I have a question here which i am not sure if there is a possible solution.

I have a .exe file which require minimum window xp to run.

I wish to run this file in NT.

Is there a " backward compactibility " . exe which i can run prior to running my exe

file so that it can be executed in XP.


By NT do you mean 4.0?

Yes jbennet, i am refering to NT.

Will the capatibility wizard work? I only know it works for backward compatibility.

I am unable to test it out now because of some company related issues.

So do you want to run an XP app in NT4, or an NT4 app in XP?

No such thing as forward compatibility, really, if the latter is the case,
NT4 has no compatibility wizard anyway - That was only introduced later in win2k.

XP app in NT4.0

can? thanks.. sorry for the confuse

Try it and see. If it doesnt work, then you are out of luck.

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