I recently replaced my Hard drive to a bigger one 320 to 500 with the same RPM 5400. I was having trouble with my realtek Wireless controller and the blue screens seem to happen only when I am on-line (playing FB games). I have Windows 7 and I keep getting blue screens and it says system memory dump and then shuts down my Toshiba Laptop.

Blue screens, what are they? How do you get them? Most importantley how do you diagnose and stop them?

It can be due to a conflict with a third party app, especially if you say that it occurs when you play Facebook games. Clear your cookies after each session and perform a clean boot to diagnose the conflict if there is one.

Blue screens are usually caused by a driver conflict ,but can be cause by many different things software and hardware ,like bad video card ,bad ram ,ect ect

Can you please give us a little more information
If you follow these directions you should end up with a few BSOD events recorded and a place for us to start looking -

Please download BlueScreenView http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/blue_screen_view.html(in zip file)•Extract (right-click > Extract all) the contents of bluescreenview.zip.

•Double-click on the BlueScreenView.exe file, to run the program. (No installation is required.)

•When scanning is done (usually complete by the time the interface appears), go ...

•Edit > Select All

•File > Save Selected Items, and save the report to your Desktop as BSOD.txt.

•Close the BlueScreenView window... ... ...

•Open BSOD.txt using Notepad and go ... .... ..

•Edit > Select All

•Edit > Copy, and then paste the entire contents of the text file into your next reply.

What error information is provided within the BSOD?
Judging by your situation, I'd wager that it's either a driver issue or an overheating problem which is causing them.

will do

can be cause by many different things software and hardware ,like bad video card ,bad ram ,ect ect
Can you please give us a little more information
If you follow these directions you should end up with a few BSOD

can be cause by many different things software and hardware ,like bad video card ,bad ram ,ect ect
Can you please give us a little more information
If you follow these directions you should end up with a few BSOD

I am not getting this to work. I get the blue screen then it shuts down. It comes back up and i get some black scrren searching for realtek and then asking for a boot cd. I have to power it down by the power button and then boot it back up using the power button. The I go to the zip fin and click run on the blue screen and nothing happens. It either cannot find the dump or the dump gets wiped out before it can get to it.

Agree with Caperjack... Its usually caused by bad hardware - graphic cards, ram's etc.. Since u mention system memory dump and that too while playing games... Its just that either ur graphic card or ur ram is getting full too fast and is not being able to dump the memory itself... Specs of Ram and Graphic Card ?

Is it possible to give me a model for the case of a blue screen appeared with you (what you're working on the pc when you see the blue screen and after how many run-time)

maybe your video card can't support the online games you have that's why it's experiencing blue screen... or maybe ram problem.


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