I'm running Windows 98, and IE 6.

I have a problem about my comp right now. I'm not sure when this started, but I just noticed this error kept on appearing after I installed some programs, like XP Web Buttons, Atomic Clock Sync and etc. I've removed those but it didn't help. Whenever I try to open any folder on My Documents, an error(Internet Explorer Script Error) would appear:

An error has occured in the script on this page

Line: 150
Char: 1
Error: Expected 'End'
Code: 0
Url: file://C:\WINDOWS\web\folder.htt

Do you want to continue running scripts on this page?

Any ideas on how to get rid of this and what's the cause of this? Thanks so much for your help.

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Have you tried to restore your registry??

Bootup,press F8 until a menu comes on,then select option 5 (COMMAND PROMPT) and when your at the C prompt type this in:


A list of saved entries will come up,try and pick 1 before you made these changes (added those things) .. When you reboot,things should work fine for you :)

I also have 98 and i love it!!!!!

98 all the way!!

Good luck!

Thanks for the welcome!

OMG, lol, what is boot up?

When you turn on your computer :)

Try this ,open internet explorer ,go to tools/internet options/advanced ,in the browsing section make sure that,disable script debugging[internet explorer ] and disable script debugging[other] are checked off ,they should be the 4th and 5th in the list .

Thats thats a good suggestion also mate :)

more likely, a virus has modified the folder.htt file. You can use the Windows 98 CD to extract the file and place the extracted file in C:\Windows\Web.

First off, delete the file folder.htt from C:\Windows\web.
next, pop your Win98 CD in the drive. Click Start>run, type sfc and click OK.

In the SFC window, click the second option (Extract a specific file). Type the file to be extracted as folder.htt, the restore from path to D:\Win98 (where D: is your CD ROM drive letter. modify this appropriately) and set the "extract file to" box to C:\Windows\web. Then click extract. This will extract the original folder.htt file. and you should have no problems. Just to be sure, run a full virus scan followed by a spyware scan.

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