Hello Community,
I was wondering if there is a reason why my laptop is going slow i haven't installed anything, uninstalled anything. It's just started going slow!

Right now i'm backing up my laptop just incase i get that pissed i might actually through it!

Here are the specs:
Brand - HP
Model - Compaq 6710b
Operating System - Windows 7 64-bit

If there is anything else you need to know about my laptop just reply below.

Please help i can't deal with speed.

Wat abOUt tha RAM?

And the speed of the proccessor

Processor - Intel Core2 Duo CPU T8100 @ 2.10GHz 2.10GHz
RAM - 2.00 GB

Also it's not a virus, spyware, etc... because i have ran 5 different virus scanners, 2 spyware scanners and 1 malware scanner, i have even used ccleaner to clean the computer registery.
I have basically ran everything i could. So i don't know what it could be, just before it took 30 minutes for my laptop to respond.

Have you used a registry scanner to ensure your registry is optomized? Also, how full is your hard drive? Lastly check with 4allmemory.com allowing it to scan your computer to see if you could upgrade your RAM. I tried doing a search for your computer myself but it only showed me what to buy, not the capacity you can use. You can have the site scan your computer for you and it'll probably give you more information.

Is there another way other than download that. I don't trust anything like that (4allmemory).
What kind of registry scanner can i use?
My hard drive size is 111gb and i've used 66gb.

when using ccleaner did you run the cleaner part of it to empty temp file,ect ect .
a lot of times a bad harddrive or ram can cause a computer to become slow ,you need to troubleshoot by running a harddrive scan ad a ram scan , harddrive manufactures supply drive scanniong software on there web site,you need to know the name of the hard drive to get the right tools , ,and you can use memtest86 to check you ram ,,you will need to create bootable cdroms to run these scans .memtest86, you would run memtest overnight for best results .
also i foung the specs on that model laptop and it will take upto 4gig of ram

Hi , could be a rogue background process hogging resources so I suggest opening task manager > processes and note any process running at significant cpu power , while the computer should be at idle
Then note the process and manually end that process and evaluate computer performance
If the computer runs normally then investigate the noted process and associated programs or app

I don't see how that could be it because it literly just started going slow 2 months ago it was fine one day the total bull sh*t the next and i haven't even changed anything on my computer.

all the more reason to suspect rouge background process,trojan or virus for short!

I don't see how that could be it because it literly just started going slow 2 months ago it was fine one day the total bull sh*t the next

Start at the beginning. Test your hard drive with hdtune, google will easily find it. If hd tune shows any bad sectors then that's why your laptop is slow and it also means it's time for a new hard drive.

Could wiping my hard drive and reinstalling windows help?

If the hard drive is faulty, nope. Which is why you need to test it!

Hi , ok I suggest run a Ubuntu Linux distro in "try mode" - if the laptop processes normally then most likely a software issue regarding the native installation, if not then most likely hardware including heat issues
Try mode runs from ram memory without changing any hdd located files, so is relatively safe as a diagnostic tool if you want to keep the existing Windows, however backup valued personal files before running - if you can not and Linux runs ok , you can access Windows files and copy files to removable media

I'll have a go at trying a few of your (everyone) possible solutions.

Could wiping my hard drive and reinstalling windows help?

yes you could but running the harddrive test should be you first choice ,if the scan shows its bad it will save you a lot of work by not wasting time reinstalling windows

I'll have a go at trying a few of your (everyone) possible solutions

as i said above ,start with the hdd test

just reinstalled Windows ?

How much space is left on your hard drive? If any partition visible to Windows is 80% full or more then Windows performance starts to suffer big time.

There is still alot, but it doesn't matter now because I decided to just buy another laptop.

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