Hey, I'm bit of a newbie at tthis computer stuff.. I was wondering if anyone could tell how to stop my computer from freezing-up during startup. I'm using XP pro.. Also, other times my mouse doesn't respond....and help

Sorry to tell you this but this isn't the right section to post this kind of thread, but nevertheless, I can try to help you.

Well this is common procedure for things like these. Have you tried running Windows through Safe Mode? (Push F8 near the beginning of the starting of the computer). Please also try to post more information about your situation because there could be a few thousand reasons for your troubles ;).


A little more information on my previous thread. After I turn my comp on the hard drive will freeze up. The power button nor the reset button will respond..I end haveing to unplugg my comp and waith several minutes, and plug it back in. It still freezes but I hold down the reset button and it normally works..
Ok..I'm running Xp on an older comp. Would this hae anything to do with it?
My comp specs are 533cpu
192 Ram
20 gb

any help would be apprecitated..


You should visit the Microsoft's website and check for the system requirements. If you are close to the minimum system requirements specified there, it's time to upgrade the system or consider a lower version of the OS, whichever you could afford. I would suggest the former.

You should visit the Microsoft's website and check for the system requirements. If you are close to the minimum system requirements specified there, it's time to upgrade the system or consider a lower version of the OS, whichever you could afford. I would suggest the former.

Okay, when you get the computer to work, try and free up as much space as you can. Try to see if some of the LARGER pictures are taking up too much space (and then resize them) with Microsoft Photo Editor (if you need help with this then PM me).

Try to make sure that you don't have so many things running on startup. Windows XP can be a resource hog.

I believe there is some way around this. I will look into your problem tomorrow and see what other possibilities exist. (I'm a little short on time at 12:34 am) sorry lol. Keep checking this website (this thread specifically) for updates.

@AWDracer: I believe you quoted the wrong post. ;)


Yeah I did...

I'll blame lag :)

Hey thanks for all the help....All the advive was a huge help..

what finally got it to work was.

1. I deleted alot of the larger pictures, also went with a blank desktop.

2. I started windows in safe mode and chose the debugging option.

And now it works great...

Thanks a million....... YOU GUYS ROCK...:lol:

Also, the advice to check the Microsoft for computer compatibility wiht Xp was another huge help..my computer just barely meets the requirement...

Once again....thanx

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