Not a serious problem; just a bit annoying. In all prior versions of Windows that I have experienced to execute a program all I needed to do was to click or double-click on the name of the execution file or on the shortcut's icon. Now, in Windows 7, when I do that, the screen turns dramatically black and a dialog box appears to ask me if I want to allow the program to make changes in my Windows system. I click "yes" and the program executes. But why all the drama? I am the owner of the computer and its administrator. There is one user profile, the one under my first name. How can I eliminate the blackout and the dialog box? They are protections I do not need.

You can disable the UAC in control panel but I wouldn't suggest it since it will allow malware that interacts with the logged on user's access to make changes without you knowing.

A quick search online revealed this one option which looks like it would work. Create a scheduled task to run with the appropriate level of permission, then create a shortcut to run the task.

Maybe this will be sufficient for you.

Your suggestion is appreciated, but it seems to me far more to do than to allow the UAC to question my decision to execute. I am the computer-administrator. As such, when I inititiate a program, why should UAC question my authenticity? That seems like a rather defective security system. It places a bar on a door that ought always to be unlocked for the administrator.

Further, in that regard, Windows 7 will often tell me I cannot proceed without the administrator. Then, when I click "continue", the OS allows me to proceed anyhow. Another interruption of smooth operation.

How did I avoid such malware problems as you describe during all the years that I relied on Windows XP? Was I just lucky? I find that hard to believe. Thanks for your attention!

You can simply turn off UAC. It's up to you. I understand completely regarding the frustration around the constant prompting. You have an option to disable that.

It seems as if you need a proper firewall, one that learns, one to which you can identify your safe and usual softwares, one that you can finally set into safe mode whereby it understands that it should only query new software actions, and risky ones. I use Comodo, there are others. With a good firewall you don't need UAC. My opinion.
Comodo is a complex tool, it queries all the time, but nothing gets by it. My experience.

Thanks to all! Maybe I'll go with my WinXP good experience and turn the UAC off as unnecessary. Life if full of risks!

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