I need to know that can we access Windows Server user accounts from any where.

Any help will be appricated

As long has there is network connectivity, then yes there are various options. Please provide more detail.

Windows Server is a tributary of the server, getting error reports related to a certain Services, you may find that inner Services "Service Control Manager", I could not find it.than'k..!

Thanks Dear Sir JorgeM for your reply;
what kind of detail should I provide !! I want user accounts in Active Directory to be accessed from any network on the internet. Is this possible ?

What kind of access do you want? VPN, RDP, mail, applications, etc.. What do want the users to be able to do?

I would like to give the users application access, and there are there shared folders different users have different permissions for that, can they access there accounts from any where ??

as other suggested basically if you want to have Active Directory be available to your users outside the network you can implement:
VPN - vpn will give access to all shared devices, folders on your network and whatever rights you had set in AD it will be the same rights that will be applied when users are accessing VPN
If you want you can consider Terminal Services.

Good luck!!!

Thanks for the idea cguan 77,
Actually I am having VPN IP, but I didn't find any tutorial that can help me. Does any one have links to tutorials which will help me in my case.

Normally we use remote desktop connection. Key in the IP fix address and the ports it will connect to the Window server. As for application we will create user with minimum privilege from the Domain controller.

@irfan, what you mean bt VPN IP? you already have a VPN setup on your network?
or you have a router from your ISP which is capable of VPN?

@ cguan 77, Thanks for your response
yes I have a router from my ISP which is capable of VPH. It's a static global IP address.

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