this is just something I was just recently inspired to create...
I've had tonz of issues with things that work perfrctly on WinXP,
but yet are either buggy or don't work at all on Win7.
one of those issues is the driver for my GameMon Universal USB converter which has x64 support.
the device isn't detected on Win7 where it works on XP even w/o the driver
(though no XBox controller or rumble on other controllers).
while trying to install the driver on Win7, the program just up and crashes.
aside from that, there were many other programs I've had which now I don't even have anymore...
I wish I could recall their names...
the installers for them are currently on RAW HDDs that I can't recover at this current moment,
or are on a bunch of CDs that were given to the Salvation Army by some un-trustworthy people while I was homeless.
7Zip is another program that has issues with registering file extensions...
(it's a program I use all the time)
anyways... I'm interested to hear what other issues people have had where XP is just so much better to use. :)
(truthfully it's to prove a point to some 3rd-party devs as well as a few stuck-up people)