I got the vista beta 2 and it's sweet. I heard all the stuff about Aero and I have no clue how to turn it on. I have a powerfull enough video card, but I just dont know how to turn on the feature. Can anyone help me?

Did you activate Vista? I've heard reports that MS is planning to disable certain features in Vista (including the aero thingie) until you activate your copy.

If it's a service turn it on i don't have the hardware to run it but i would sure want to!

Yes, I've activated Vista, I just don't know how to turn on aero. can some one help me?

Yes, I've activated Vista, I just don't know how to turn on aero. can some one help me?

this site might help you ,i have vista install but not on this hdd .but i did look forAero last night on my other hdd ,but i don't think i meet the right video card requirments as listem on this site im linking here .but it a visual setting is all simular i guess to one use by macintosh as i read on link im posting HERE
AERO =Authentic, Energetic, Reflective and Open

I don't actually have the beta but i read that vista turns of some features if you dont have something that it needs. On a Mac you can activate a similar effect by pushing a function button 9-12, not sure which one.

Could I activate Aero on my PC? (Sempron 3000+ 1Gb ddr 5300 Geforce6150) ?

Yes you can. I actually figured out how to do it. Once you get the drivers for your card, right click on the destkop and click personalize (I hate how they changed everything). Then you want to go to themes and choose aero from there. It's as easy as that.

Marking thread as solved.

Vista Aero is a new feature, which is first time seen in the history of windows family of operating systems. It includes features like 3D look of windows and many more exciting ones. The Vista Aero requires a high end machine with high speed processor, 512 MB RAM, DirectX 9.0 compatible graphics card with minimum 128 MB RAM, and a high RPM hard disk.

Vista Aero is a new feature, which is first time seen in the history of windows family of operating systems. It includes features like 3D look of windows and many more exciting ones. The Vista Aero requires a high end machine with high speed processor, 512 MB RAM, DirectX 9.0 compatible graphics card with minimum 128 MB RAM, and a high RPM hard disk.

hey bud, aero needs around 1gb of ram, will also eat up any virtual ram with ready boost, still cant turn mine on though, excedes all the specs, strange...

i got dual core and 2.5 gig and aero runs like xp does on my PII :(

Im running Ultimate edition on an aold Athlon 64 2800+ with 1 gig and an FX 5200 card. Runs quite good there.

Aero doesn't actually use system memory or cpu power, that's why you need the high end card. it eats up the video cards resources not the systems, unless you have an onboard motherboard. 1Gb of ram is actually plenty for a power user, but gamers and hard core users need at least 2GB or more.

I got the vista beta 2 and it's sweet. I heard all the stuff about Aero and I have no clue how to turn it on. I have a powerfull enough video card, but I just dont know how to turn on the feature. Can anyone help me?

Instead of Pressing 'Alt & Tab' to view open Applications, Press the Windows Key and Tab. Its had lots of people fooled!

i turn aero on by clicking my mouse' Document Flip button. its that extra button below the scoll wheel with a window document picture on it. i know, not every mouse has this extra button, but thats how i turn my vista aero on. its a logitech mx518.
i have no idea how to turn it on without this mouse.

you don't turn aero on, it's just a theme. But like i've said before, aero compared to xgl is like comparing a pentium mmx to core 2 duo extreme, one sucks the other one is awesome. there are so many other cool effects and eye candy in xgl that makes vista suck.

This post has had more views than any other one in this category. I should get a price or something


I got the vista beta 2 and it's sweet. I heard all the stuff about Aero and I have no clue how to turn it on. I have a powerfull enough video card, but I just dont know how to turn on the feature. Can anyone help me?

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