I have a question for you experts! :)
I tried to install iis8 on my laptop and when i lounched the defoult page a window appeard in internet explorer asking me username and password for my rooter. What will happen if i place username and password for my rooter and register? Will that configure iis as a web server on my machine or something else? please help, and tank you for any answers.

window appeard in internet explorer asking me username and password for my rooter.

That would suggest that the URL you typed in IE was related to your router.

What will happen if i place username and password for my rooter

You will log into the router's admin console.

Will that configure iis as a web server on my machine

No, your router has nothing to do with IIS installed on your computer.

Did you try http://localhost

I tried http://localhost got error 404 page cannot be found :( is there anything else i could do? when i tested the connection there was another thing. autorization Cannot verify asses to path (C:inetpub/wwwroot) this is where the file of the defoult page is located.

Setting up IIS on your local machine isnt difficult but there could be some things preventing you from being succesful.

The first thing to check is to make sure IIS is installed and you have a website enabled.

Is you launch the IIS admin console on your computer, you should see your computer in the left pane and if you expand it you should see "application pools" and "sites". Under sites, you should see "default web site". This site should be enabled and if you expand the site, you should see the files you have stored on c:\inetput\wwwroot, assuming this is the path you choose when configuring your site.

in this folder, you need to have some content. Are there any files in this folder?

I oppened it with webmatrix and it opened under this adress
file:///C:/inetpub/wwwroot/iisstart.htm i gues i didnt configure it well. So what can i do now to configure it properly? Can I uninstall it and install it in diferent configuration, or that is not a good idea? and on the page it is iis7 version but i have instaled iis8 express so im confused now!

You dont have to unistall IIS and reinstall it if it was installed correctly. You can modify which folder you want the website to point to by using the IIS admin tool.

if you try accessing http://localhost/iisstart.htm, the page doesnt come up?

When i open iis manager in the left side there is an icon of a server with my computer name, when i click on it there is a folder named Sites. In that folder there is a Default Website. in the left side there is an actions place where i can see that this Default Website i had set on localhost, my ip adress and port 80. Furder down there is a place named Brouse Website and when i press i get error 404. But i found the file of the Default Website in inetpub folder so i oppened it with webmatrix then it gave me page that diplayed
IIS7 and the adress in the browser was http://localhost/iisstart.html. im sorry for inconvenience, but i dont understand why it wont oppen from iis manager directly. is that ok?

if iis is configured correctly and you have html/htm pages in the correct directory, you should be able to open a browser on the same computer (the computer that has IIS installed on) and type http://localhost/iisstart.html (before you said it was iisstart.htm, not.html). Make sure that the URL is correct, otherwise, you will get a 404 error which means that IIS was not able to locate the page (404 = page not found).

Tank you JorgeM! all i needet to know if i got iis instaled and configured correctly and for the pages i will see where im doing wrong.tanks again!

I got it, yes im so happy. it wasnt the wrong adress but wrong port number!JorgeM i wish i could bay you a drink or chocolate or something. tank you for being whit me on this task.

Glad you where able to resolve it. Cheers!

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