Hello fellow techies & the true guru---Dani,

It's me, Carmine.

I would like to ask if anyone has had their options to change the toolbar choices
gray out. I have done all the spyware checks and reloaded IE6 on my win 2000 rig.

I just can't find out what happened. I think because my little cuzin was bouncing aroung the net and went somewhere he should'nt have ( 16yrs old ) I found a dirty pic in a temp folder----ha ha ha Tony, I know what you did.... little punk lol

Back to my plight, can anyone advise where to go next. I also searched the registry for any changes and additions. ( maybe the wrong hive )

Any help would be sweeeeeeeet.

thanks a gigabyte :D


Just a quick help that goes way back...

What toolbar are you exactly talking about? Just customizing the toolbar? i.e. going to View menu and then to Toolbars and then to Customize? It's possible it's spyware from a junk, warez, or p0rn site. Is anything else funky? (For example, new startup page, etc.)

I found the problem, some spyware hit the reg file. there was a hive that I can't remember.... 4hrs to find on the win 2000 rig. I had to change the 1 to 0 so customize was active. I had to do the same for internet explorer and explorer. I thank you all for the advice and responses. stay well = Carmine = i'll submit more info when I find the full location.

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