I'm having a problem to access recovery console from a bootable XP CDrom.
The "Repair" does not appear as option. Even clicking letter "R" repeatedly does not work. But I'm sure this option was there before.

Does anyone know what has caused this issue and how to fix it?

If you are trying to do a repair install, try this: http://www.michaelstevenstech.com/XPrepairinstall.htm

If you are trying to access the Recovery Console, try this:

Restart your computer with the Windows XP Setup disk in the CDROM drive. (Don't have a Windows Setup disk? Skip this section and look below.) If you are prompted to press a key to start the computer from CDROM, do so quickly. Otherwise it may try to boot from the hard drive. After a few minutes, you'll see a prompt to press the R key to start the Recovery Console. Next, you'll see a prompt to enter a number corresponding to the Windows XP installation that you need to repair. Enter "1" and then supply your Administrator password.

If this does not do what you want, let us know.

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