Hello all,
My enterprise just released Windows 10 on one of our domains. Using the previous Windows 7, we were able to sysprep a copy of the OS pulled down from SCCM by imaging a workstation with a task sequence.
Continuing with that practice on Windows 10 has presented some issues. I have worked through the sysprep issues, but when attempting to boot the workstation using one of the replicated HDD's, we run into issues.
We were able to get around this issue by forcing a safe mode boot. THe workstation begins to install drivers and get devices ready. However, after a few minutes, we get this error:
We have had no luck getting past this issue. We have attempted to "press F10 and Shift+f10 and all the other "F" keys with no luck. I have been searching for answers for days and cannot figure out why the process nor the recommeded fix actions are wokrking.
Side note: Our IT is broken up into many parts...we have a division that creates the images and another that deploys the images to SCCM, so I do not any power to make changes; I can only work with what I have.
Any and all assistance would be greatly appreciated and thanks in advance.