I need to make an FTP site to put files for downloading, I have a public static ip address and I'm using xp home. How can I do this, I think you need NAT to be running, but I really don't know, can anyone help?

thanks in advance, your help is appreciated.

I need to make an FTP site to put files for downloading, I have a public static ip address and I'm using xp home. How can I do this, I think you need NAT to be running, but I really don't know, can anyone help?

thanks in advance, your help is appreciated.

I think you should've used Google.
Once you've setup your server, then use NAT (if it's behind a router) to bring it to the public:
1. Go to your router's config page
2. Find "Virtual servers", or something similar
3. Add your server to the list, through ports 20/21 (TCP and UDP)
4. Restart the router

ok, done. The thing is though, I didn't have to do anything with my router. I did look for virtual servers and there weren't any options. But thanks anyways.

Well, if you didn't setup your virtual servers, then how do you expect the router to figure out which IP address to route FTP requests to? I think you should test that from an external IP address (one outside your router). If it works, then maybe you've already setup your server to use an external IP address.

ok, but I'm telling you it works. just give me a way to contact you since i don't want to post my ip address on here.

ok, but I'm telling you it works. just give me a way to contact you since i don't want to post my ip address on here.

That doesn't make sense. If you don't want to post your IP address, than you shouldn't be trying to make a public FTP server. Anyone that's accessing a public FTP server can see the server's IP address.

You know what? All I care about is that it works. I tried to access it from school today and it worked. Also, I'm not posting my address here becuase I don't want people accessing it. Yes it's public and any one with my address can access it but who's going to figure it out? you? I don't think so.

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