i am using a sony vaio laptop.. which supports wireless... my problem is, i just moved into my new place a day ago.. i am able to access the internet wirelessly.. and i can access some sites.. [like http://www.google.ca] but i realized that a lot of the normal sites i was able to access at home - i can no longer go into!
for example:
and when im checking my hotmail.. it doesn't always load - for my hotmail, it's an on and off problem
and not all images on my website is viewable. which is really weird!
i dont know what happened, i haven't changed anything or played around.. but once i got connected at my new place.. these sites were no longer available for me to view.. it just gives me the uhm. . cannot find server window "the page cannot be displayed"
hopefully any of you guys can help me out.. thanks a bunch!