we just recently moved, and since moving and getting back online we've had a problem with msn explorer. i have repeatedly tried goint to msn explorer and going through the "add a new user" thing, but when it gets to the part where i type in my email account and password and then click continue nothing happens, the bar at the bottom does move, but it never continues on to the next part. i tried redownlaoding msn explorer, did all the new updates, everything, but it still wont let me add my account. anybody ever have this problem, or know how to remedy it?
p.s. i am able to sign on as a guest but its a really big pain!

If your ISP is MSN I would call them if you want fast working results.

i am havin this same problem and i need help

Did you at least call MSN?

is it because i selected the wrong settings in the connection settings

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