Hi Everyone,

Hopefully this is the right place to ask this question, if not, will someone please direct me to the right place?

Here goes: my screensaver no longer comes on by itself. It will work if I access it through the control panel and use the "Preview" button, but it won't come on by itself after the five mins. I reset it to two mins. No luck. I rebooted. No luck. I re rebooted, still no luck.

Does anyone have any idea how I can fix this? Thanks in advance,

Simple. Just reinstall it... sometimes you must remove, then reinstall the screensaver. It becomes overwritten or corrupted by other software, or by security downloads or other changes from Windows or your provider.

Okay, let me preface this by saying I'm not blonde and my blonde hi-lights are fake, BUT I have no idea how to reinstall it. I didn't install it in the first place it sort of came with Windows/my laptop. I get the corruption part, but I have no idea how to perform this simple reinstall. Would you mind telling me?

If you ever need any information about the esoteric realm of sentence structure or punctuation, I'm your girl, but on this stuff . . . I need all the help I can get.

Simple. Just reinstall it... sometimes you must remove, then reinstall the screensaver. It becomes overwritten or corrupted by other software, or by security downloads or other changes from Windows or your provider.

Okay, let me preface this by saying I'm not blonde and my blonde hi-lights are fake, BUT I have no idea how to reinstall it. I didn't install it in the first place it sort of came with Windows/my laptop. I get the corruption part, but I have no idea how to perform this simple reinstall. Would you mind telling me?

If you ever need any information about the esoteric realm of sentence structure or punctuation, I'm your girl, but on this stuff . . . I need all the help I can get.

I think they just mean to click to use none ,then reboot and then choose to use a screen saver again ,reactivate not reinstall.

Hello fuzi,

Are you by chance using a wireless mouse? If so, that's caused me many problems.

What's happens is that the mouse receiver (what receives the signals) senses that the mouse is constantly moving slightly, which it isn't. Therefore, the 'idleness' needed for the screen saver is never obtained.


Thanks, I tried this, but no luck. Any other ideas?

I think they just mean to click to use none ,then reboot and then choose to use a screen saver again ,reactivate not reinstall.

Many many thanks!! This was driving me nuts, but yes, when I disconnect my brand spankin' new wireless mouse, the screensaver starts working again. Any way to get it to work with the mouse still connected or must I disconnect each time? (I did try taking the mouse into the next room . . . okay, you can stop laughing now!)

Thanks again!

Hello fuzi,

Are you by chance using a wireless mouse? If so, that's caused me many problems.

What's happens is that the mouse receiver (what receives the signals) senses that the mouse is constantly moving slightly, which it isn't. Therefore, the 'idleness' needed for the screen saver is never obtained.


:) I'm happy it worked.

What I did to fix mine was to change the signal for the mouse. In the manual that came with the mouse, there should be a section about changing the signal. Sometimes certain signals are affected by other interference.

Hmmm . . . that sounds complicated. But tremendous thanks to you!! (and many reputation raises, too)

well that sucks, I can't raise it again. Oh well, it's the thought that counts, right?

Hmmm . . . that sounds complicated. But tremendous thanks to you!! (and many reputation raises, too)

It's actually easier then you think. What kind of mouse are you using? If you want, I can see if the directions are online, and walk you through it.

well that sucks, I can't raise it again. Oh well, it's the thought that counts, right?

:) It's definitely the thought that counts.

Thanks again.

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