sometimes my screen just fades to black for no apparent reason at all. i could be sitting idol reading a web page or playing game, sometimes it happens when im not even doing anything (IE its just idoling on the desktop) its not a heat issue for i have tested several cards(also monitoring the temps and it happend to the other cards too), and its not any loose wires ive opend up the machine and checked through all of the wires everything is nice and snug.
Also when it fades to black i can still do things, i just cant see anything at all. The monitorlight doesnt change like it does when it sleeps (it stays green, but when its out of sync or asleep the light is yellow)
heres my system specs.
WinowsXP Svc Pack1
P4VXASD2+ (motherboard serial number, make is Mainboard)
P4 1.8 Ghz Proccessor
160GB maxtor Hard Drive
PNY Verto 5600, 256 MB
Soundblaster Audigy (Creative)
any other specs i will gladly give them to you. thank you for any help that you may be able to offer.