Hello guys,

I been getting this error message from past few days when i close my Internet explore. Can any one explain me why that appearers whenever i closed Internet explore. For me it looks like it is something to do with the memory.

Please find the error message from the attached file called error.png

Thank you


Which version of IE are you runnig?

Which version of IE are you runnig?

Version 6.0.


That's too bad, I was hoping it was IE7, the easy soution there was to uninstall it and go back to IE6 which worked, most of the time.:eek:

Have you scaned for nasties?

Have you installed anything recently?

One of the solutions that is suggested is to uninstall it and reinstall it. Personaly, if I were to uninstall it I would install Firefox.

well i gues firefox. still but i dont get any thing like that in firefox. but only in iexplore. I will see wiht your solution. But thanks for the reply.


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