I am a Windows 98 user and only go online to access my email via Netscape. Nothing more. Lately my dial-up connection has been shutting off before I can finish reading my emails and I am forced to connect again. Can anyone explain the reason for this? If I can't find a quick-fix solution I'm thinking of contacting my ISP to have them check on my connection. Any ideas you can offer are greatly appreciated.

janda5 :?:

Sounds like you have AUTO DISCONNECT enabled.....

Go into your preferences for your dial up connection and disable it....

Goto INTERNET OPTIONS/CONNECTIONS and then edit the connection settings (Find "Use auto disconnect" and make sure its disabled)

It auto-drops you if no activity happens withing 5 mins i think (I cant quite remember)

Good luck :)

98 rocks!!!

I doubt that my dial-up connection is the problem. I usually go online only to access email but today I surfed the Web. Not once did I lose the connection. Something goes haywire when I open my email in Netscape. The program freezes immediately and remains so for 25-30 seconds. Then it unfreezes and I barely have time to read one message before it freezes again. Yet I remain connected to the Internet. This problem is very disruptive. If I cannot find a solution soon I will contact my ISP (Earthlink) and see what they can do. Any advice out there? Thank you.



We had earthlink DIALUP and were constantly dropped!!!!!!

I started to wonder if they were doing it ON PURPOSE to try and force us to BROADBAND... (Get everyone OFF dialup)

We are on Roadrunner now (Which has its own set of problems mind you)

Good luck!

Thanks to The Dude for his input.


Glad i could be of some assistance my friend :)

First of all, you need to ditch that slow old 98 machine for a new vista machine (u can get them for 250.00 and they will be a lot faster than ur 98 machine. Second, invest in a DSL or cable internet soulution. AT&T fast access DSL is 19.99/month and same with embarq high speed, which is about the same cost as dial up, only 13X faster. With this combo, ur pc will be flying like a bee!

First of all, you need to ditch that slow old 98 machine for a new vista machine (u can get them for 250.00 and they will be a lot faster than ur 98 machine. Second, invest in a DSL or cable internet soulution. AT&T fast access DSL is 19.99/month and same with embarq high speed, which is about the same cost as dial up, only 13X faster. With this combo, ur pc will be flying like a bee!

opinions are one thing ,but not everyone can afford what your opinion suggest .we try to help people with problems not just tell them to buy a new machine when the one they have serves there purpose ,not all areas have DSL ,maybe in you area but not in mine ,I have cable internet ,next street down from me have to use dial up, as cable stops at my street ,cable could be free and they would still have to pay for dialup ! .
I sell used computer towers ,just sold one p4 last week, to someone who's computer just stopped stopped working [dead bios battery] It had win95 on it and they used it !!! thanks

First of all, you need to ditch that slow old 98 machine for a new vista machine

Sorry but i wouldnt recommend this piece of garbage to my worst enemy!!

98se is much better :) (They are all better than Vista!)

okay, guess i should have said ditch that slow old 98 machine for an xp machine (they are still availiable.

Thanks to The Dude, forumdude123, and caperjack for taking time to address my problem.
Since I first posted this months ago the problem has somehow managed to disappear. I deleted a bunch of old stuff I had long forgotten and allowed to pile up in folders and even got rid of some programs I no longer used. Afterwards, I noticed that my dial-up connection was smoother and I have not lost connection since. I'm still a novice at this but I wonder if dumping all that junk not only freed up lots of RAM but also improved my computer's performance. Caperjack is SOOO right on when he says not everyone can afford to purchase a newer computer. I am on a very strict budget and even a used PC is out of the question right now. I do have Windows 98SE and it works just fine for me. But once again I must thank you all for your insights into my problem.


A need for Speed is the only real reason to update computer,if you don't upgrade your software a computer can last for years .I have lots of customers still using PII/Plll 500mHZ computer ,i just sold a P166 for 40$ last week to guy just for email ,his P90 died .lol

dsl isn't really expensive. The average dial up cost is $15.99/month while dsl is around $17.99/month (only 24.00 extra per year)

dsl isn't really expensive. The average dial up cost is $15.99/month while dsl is around $17.99/month (only 24.00 extra per year)

yup ,you are right ,but like i said in some areas its not available ,only dialup in a lot of places around here ,i have at least 5 close family members who only have axecss to dialup ,and 2 of them live within 800 ft,of me ,one of them i have hooked to me wireless

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