In the process of reinstalling office 2003 i'm getting a installation error: file not found. A required installation file CR561401.CAB coulnd not be found.

Then it ask for the windows disk and when i put it in and put it on the office11 file it doesnt take it. How can i fix or get around it.:sad:

sounds like a damaged office disk

sounds like a damaged office disk

I wish that was the problem. I can use it on any other another computer and it works fine. I was wondering if its cause i had the beta office 12 on here but it stop working so i uninstalled it and was trying to put back office 2003.

i had a simialr problem with visual studio (i had 2005 beta then wanted to roll back to my full version of 2003 but ran into errors)

this helped:

run it and remove all refereances to office

also run disk cleanup and choose to remove office setup files if the option is listed (get into disk cleanup under the properties of the hard disk, in my computer

i had a simialr problem with visual studio (i had 2005 beta then wanted to roll back to my full version of 2003 but ran into errors)

this helped:

run it and remove all refereances to office

also run disk cleanup and choose to remove office setup files if the option is listed (get into disk cleanup under the properties of the hard disk, in my computer

thank you , i'll try it.

might be a good idea to back up first, never had any problems myself but you never know

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