Hi folks ... im in desperate need of some assistance. Somehow (all of a sudden) my Office 2007 doesnt work and I get the following message when trying to open Word, Excel etc... "The command cannot be performed because the dialog box is open. Click OK, and then close open dialog boxes to continue", and also this message behind the previous one "Microsoft Office Word has not been installed for the current user. Please run setup to install the application".

hhmmm, its just come up with this completely out of the blue. I've tried System Restores and tried removing Office 2007 using the 'add/remove programs' but the icons remain in the Start Menu.

I have also tried deleting the 'Microsoft Office' folder from 'Program FIles' but get an error saying "Cannot delete MSOHEVI.DLL. Access is denied" :(

Can anyone offer any assistance or guide me through the process to COMPLETELY remove Office from my computer so I can install 2003 (as i prefer it)!

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Apparently you have accidentally created another user account, and your software belongs to your old account.

Log out of the new account and use the original account.

See the attachment i added, its a Office Installer Remover by MS. Is very handy. Will remove all instances of corrupt installer files for any product you choose in fact. Is a great proggy.

Install the program and run from the Start Menu/All Programs.

Will give you a list of what can be cleared out and only select the one/ones you want.

It will remove any corrupt installer files for that respective proggy.

Attached File(s)
Attached File Patch_Fixer.zip ( 241.73K ) Number of downloads: 684

cant get the attached :O:(

try alt tabbing

the dialog box it refers to is the "enter your initials" box, which likes to hind behind the main window


Your Uninstaller. It's the BOMB. i couldn't remove an Avid video edit program...and that's a big complicated program that has tenacles ALL throughout your shizzle. This progam did, no sweat. It does it all. And it doesn't remove important passwords, or history and such, say if you wanted to get rid of a Firefox Beta test or something and didn't think Firefox did a good enough job....HIGHLY recommended.

How can I get the uninstaller file? I see the name in your post but there's no way to save it?

why i cant get the download???

Hi folks ... im in desperate need of some assistance. Somehow (all of a sudden) my Office 2007 doesnt work and I get the following message when trying to open Word, Excel etc... "The command cannot be performed because the dialog box is open. Click OK, and then close open dialog boxes to continue", and also this message behind the previous one "Microsoft Office Word has not been installed for the current user. Please run setup to install the application".

hhmmm, its just come up with this completely out of the blue. I've tried System Restores and tried removing Office 2007 using the 'add/remove programs' but the icons remain in the Start Menu.

I have also tried deleting the 'Microsoft Office' folder from 'Program FIles' but get an error saying "Cannot delete MSOHEVI.DLL. Access is denied" :(

Can anyone offer any assistance or guide me through the process to COMPLETELY remove Office from my computer so I can install 2003 (as i prefer it)!

Any help would be greatly appreciated

heya its easy to uninstall it go to start menu n go on control panel go onto programs on the control panel options nd it shud say uninstall program(s) nd just select the one u want to =]]

wheres the download?

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