Any time I've ever tried to install 2Mpro from a newly formatted harddrive it would say it can't be done. However, one time I was told this could be done and how. It's been a while, and I've forgotten the method. Can anyone help me with this? Does XP follow the same route?



How are you trying to install Windows 2000? Booting from the CD-ROM? The four floppies? I haven't had problems installing using either method. The CD-ROM style went faster...

What are your exact error messages?



In addition to any error messages you might be getting, knowing your hardware specs would help as well.


How are you trying to install Windows 2000? Booting from the CD-ROM? The four floppies? I haven't had problems installing using either method. The CD-ROM style went faster...

What are your exact error messages?



I'm trying to boot from a CD. The message I get is, and I have to paraphrase, "Cannot install from DOS mode. 2M is a Windows app." The reason I don't remember exactly is that when I got the message I simply installed Win98, and then the CD would let me wipe the HD clean and install.

In addition to any error messages you might be getting, knowing your hardware specs would help as well.

I'm running 2Mpro on an AT 233MHz with 128 megs of RAM, a painfully slow 66MHz buss on a Hot569a motherboard.

Thanks, BuddyB

"Cannot install from DOS mode. 2M is a Windows app."

mmhmmm, sounds like your not booting from the cd rom drive but booting into dos and trying to run setup of the cd rom drive.

if bootfrom cd is not turned on allready, reboot your computer and goto your system bios, scroll through system preferences and turn enable "boot from cd". then restart. most of the time you get a prompt that asks you if you want to boot from the cd... if you do you must press enter with in the alloted time period.

mmhmmm, sounds like your not booting from the cd rom drive but booting into dos and trying to run setup of the cd rom drive.

if bootfrom cd is not turned on allready, reboot your computer and goto your system bios, scroll through system preferences and turn enable "boot from cd". then restart. most of the time you get a prompt that asks you if you want to boot from the cd... if you do you must press enter with in the alloted time period.

That sounds logical to me; will do on my next round. Thank you much

Hello --

Agree with BinaryMayhem. You are booting to the C drive, and then running setup from the DOS prompt. If your BIOS does not support booting from a CD-ROM (some older ones won't!) then make the four floppies and boot from the floppy disk drive. It works. Have had to do that on some older systems, and on some custom ones where we could not unlock the BIOS to get to it.


what i do is, I boot to DOS Prompt, go to the win2k installation folder... \i386 and run winnt.exe. Never failed to install...

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