I have this Dell 2gig celeron with 512 ram. Ever since I got it maybe once or twice a month it would juts instantly shuit down if I was heavy into a graphics program. Around 2 weeks ago it just started shutting off all the time, like 6 times a day. Sometimes it gives me blue screens, but I haven't caught the error yet. I did get one of those dialer trojan type things around the time this started happening which may or may not be related (I hit a bad site by mistake and slipped and hit the wrong button in the javascript box then got a dialer.exe trying to dial in to porn sites I think). I did find JAVA.nocheat during one virus scan as well.
I also find that when my grisoft antivrus does a scan, it shuts off my computer every time. Any ideas how to fix this? You think I have a bad stick of ram, a virus that can't be found with trend micro, or a bad video card? I can't figure out why this thing keeps shutting down on me but it is really really annoying.