I was recently forced to reinstall Windows XP. However, after doing so, I noticed all my user settings, including programs and favorite internet websites I had saved were deleted. I noticed that my programs are still listed on my harddrive (c directory), but they are no longer on my desktop nor in the program menu that lists on the pull down menu. Is there any way I can retrieve my settings and my programs without resorting to installing them all again. I also wish to retrieve my favorites.

I have made several attempts to retrieve/restore prior user settings using a special feature in WindXP with no success. Frustrated, please help.

I doubt it. Depending on the OS you were using before, its profile information may not be compatible to windows. Also, I'm not sure, but windows XP might not even save profile information (for real, i have no clue about this, but it's just a thought).

Windows XP was pre-installed on my computer. By the way, I didn't use the restore disc that came with the computer because I feared it would delete all my previous settings. Instead I used a full-version WinXP I bought prior to purchasing this computer, which came with WinXP. I thought it may provide me options to avoid losing previous settings.

I don't appreciate you referring to me as stupid b/c we don't know it all. I am new to this. This has never happened to me during earlier installations. So this is all new to me and I am learning like everyone else. I am just frustrated because all my information stored on my computer is no longer accessible to me since the reinstallation. I had many programs, etc. before, which I now can not access. They are still on my harddrive, however, but I can not open them. I have attempted system restore (a feature included with WindowsXP) several times, but it didn't work.

It no longer even prompts me to enter my password as before. I just click on my new username icon and I'm in. Why has it altered all of my settings and no longer prompts me for my password?

If anyone can help, I would appreciate it? I desperately need to retrieve all of my programs, favorites and MS Outlook POP3 files. They are all gone. I don't want to have to resort to reinstalling all of my programs, etc. yet again.


I doubt it. Depending on the OS you were using before, its profile information may not be compatible to windows. Also, I'm not sure, but windows XP might not even save profile information (for real, i have no clue about this, but it's just a thought).

Well...I'm not completely sure myself except for sing system restore (Start/All Programs/Accessories/SystemTools/System Restore). But I believe when you reinstall your OS, you REinstall. And by that I mean, you write over the old, or delete first and make the second. I think you get my point. Also, I don't think basementcoder is calling you stupid, that is just his signature which goes on all of his post.

P.S. Please dont burn me for anything because this is my first reply on this site

I don't appreciate you referring to me as stupid b/c we don't know it all.

That comment wasn't directed at you valerieg. It's just part of basementcoder's signature file; it will show up in every post he makes.

Can you clarify a couple of points please?


I had many programs, etc. before, which I now can not access. They are still on my harddrive, however, but I can not open them.

When you say that you "reinstalled" XP, did you do a full reinstall? If so, your previous user info, system settings, registry entries, etc. will have been overwritten. In other words, even though all of your old data files and programs are still on the drive, none of that info is registered with the new installation of Windows. Your settings for the old user account have most likely been erased, and you'll have to reinstall all of your programs in order for them to work.


I noticed all my user settings, including programs and favorite internet websites I had saved...

Where exactly did you save that information? If you copied the entire subdirectory tree under C:\Documents and Settings\Your Old Username to a safe location, you can just move it into the C:\Documents and Settings\Your New Username folder. This will replace the default My Documents, Favorites, Start menu, History, etc. folders in the new account with your old, saved information. Note that many of the old shortcuts in those menus won't work though, because the new Windows registry has no entries for the programs the shortcuts point to.


It no longer even prompts me to enter my password as before. I just click on my new username icon and I'm in. Why has it altered all of my settings and no longer prompts me for my password?

That really does make it sound as though you did a fresh install. If that's really the case, and you didn't save any of your critical info from the original installation, you're starting from scratch- your old settings are gone.

I doubt it. Depending on the OS you were using before, its profile information may not be compatible to windows. Also, I'm not sure, but windows XP might not even save profile information (for real, i have no clue about this, but it's just a thought).

What is that Signature all about anyway.i can't figure it out !!:)

Don't feel bad b/c this is my first time participating in a forum PERIOD, yet alone initiating a post.

Well...I'm not completely sure myself except for sing system restore (Start/All Programs/Accessories/SystemTools/System Restore). But I believe when you reinstall your OS, you REinstall. And by that I mean, you write over the old, or delete first and make the second. I think you get my point. Also, I don't think basementcoder is calling you stupid, that is just his signature which goes on all of his post.

P.S. Please dont burn me for anything because this is my first reply on this site

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