I was recently posed a question by a customer. This person has an extensive folder structure in outlook 03. She somehow lost a folder but definatley did not delete it.
It appears that she accidentally dragged and dropped the folder into another folder somewhere in her directory tree and could not find it.
I attempted to make use of the find feature but it only seams to search for files and not folders.
Also when using the "search folder" feature this actually will locate files that are in the folder and even show the file being located in the folder but in no way points to where in the directory tree the folder it "physicly" located.
Just to let you know, with time the customer was able to locate the folder herself but only but digging through every folder she had until she happened upon the one that was lost.
Sorry for all that. My question is simple. IS THERE A BETTER WAY?
I felt a little silly not being able to give by customer a better answer then to just take her time and dig for it.
Thanks in advance!