I have been having problems all summer with my computer, I have Windows 2000 Professional. When I access the internet the computer will start acting up. It will freeze up, it will also bump me back to my desktop, I don't lose the connection but I have a hard time getting on sites because I keep getting bounced back. Sometimes my computer will completely shut down and reboot itself-this loses the internet connection. An error message will come up about Microsoft Error and needing to restart program. I am very frustrated. I have taken my computer to two different shops multiple times and they cannot find anything wrong with it. The last shop installed Windows 2000 Professional again, but it did not help , I still have the problems. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas? I am ready to throw my computer out the window and buy and new one---which I really can't afford! I would appreciate any help! Thank you.

Please tell us exactly what the error message says before the computer shuts down. ;)

Please tell us exactly what the error message says before the computer shuts down. ;)

Microsoft Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. If you were in the middle of something, the information you are working on might be lost.Please tell microsoft about the problem. We have created an error report that you can send to help us improve Microsoft Internet Explorer. We will treat this report as confidential and anonymous. To see what data this error report contains click here.-I CLICKED AND THIS IS WHAT IT SAYS--Error signature AppName:iexplore.exe
AppVer:6.0.2800.1106 ModName:mshtml.dll ModVer:6.0.2800.14158
There is a lot more stuff about sending in the error log helps Microsoft...

I really appreciate the help! Thanks!

Try this... it seems to help with IE shutting down.

Right click on the Internet Explorer icon on the desktop, and choose properties. When that comes up, Click on the Advanced Tab. Uncheck the option that says "Enable third party browser extensions (requires restart)", then click OK. It should allow IE to run okay.

If that fixes it, then you've probably got spyware. I'd suggest following this action up by running Spybot and Adaware.

If that fixes it, then you've probably got spyware. I'd suggest following this action up by running Spybot and Adaware.

Even if that doesn't fix it, the symptoms you describe could certainly all be caused by malicious programs which have gotten on your system in the course of your Web surfing. I'd definitely recommend running the programs that alc6379 suggests. Both programs are free; you can download them from the links in my sig file.

** Note:
If you do find that "spyware" might be the root of your problems, please start a separate thread in our Security forum- that's where we concentrate on virus/spyware/etc. infections.

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