Hi, I'm new to Linux. I just installed it on my desktop computer and I want to put it on the same network as my laptop but I'm having some trouble. Any help? I know it might be hard to convert most files that I might want to share (probably software for that right?) but I at least want printer sharing if that's possible. Right now the desktop (Linux OS) says network then windows network then workgroup then the name of my laptop but my laptop won't recognize the desktop computer. Anybody want to help me out?

You should run samba inorder to share resources(printers, files, ...) for use in windows [your laptop].
Tell me if you want to know more.
Also you can search for Samba-HowTo.
HowTos are good for starting as a newbie and also for professionals.

Good luck.

Thanks. I looked at samba, but couldn't even figure out how to download it. And do I need it on my windows pc or both computers?

I guess this is the major setback for all those who want to use Linux but can't. There could be many reasons to this, less or no knowledge about the command line, 90% softwares are windows friendly and Don't work on Linux.
By the time you come to know the workaround, you are back on Windows.

Yeah...doesn't help too much though. Lol.

What distributution are you using?

In ubuntu go system -> administration -> folder sharing and choose to install SAMBA then just add the directories you want to share. This will let windows access linux

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