I have 2 OS. Windows 98 and XP. I cant run Visual Basic in XP which I installed in Win 98. BUt i can run other programmes which i intalled in win 98 in win xp without problems.

Well- for starters, not all programs that run under Win 9.x are compatible with XP, period. There's not much you can do in that case except get an XP-compatible version of the program (if it exists).

In terms of something like VB, I'd imaging you would probably run into problems like version mismatches of the runtime libraries and/or other key components. What version of VB do have? Is it supposed to be XP-compatible?

Maybe it will work if right click on the VBasic ,icon in winxp ,and choose compadiability and choose run in win98 mode

If you installed the program in 98, it's going to be tough to have it run in XP.

Reason being, you have to install certain files into XP's registry in order for things to work right. More than likely, that's what's going on here.

What error are you getting?

Maybe it will work if right click on the VBasic ,icon in winxp ,and choose compadiability and choose run in win98 mode

Can't hurt to try it, although there still might be problems with VB stuff that was originally compiled in the Win 98 environment. You might also run into the issues that Alex is talking about.

I have tried running Vb(version 6.0) under win 98 mode. It doesn't work. the error message is "Unexpected error;quitting"

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