slhayes 0 Newbie Poster

I have been trying to install my Palm on my XP machine but every time I try to run the CD the machine goes to the BSOD. I took the machine in for warranty work back in March and ever since I got it back I have been trying to get it to install with no luck. I have posted on many forums and tried every imaginable suggestion that people have given me. I have tried the solutions on the Palm site as well as many, many others. What happens is every time I put the CD in the drive it starts to go to the install shield. It will go through about four screens before the machine just stops and the next thing I know I am seeing the blue screen. I have been told to check the memory and I have run mem tests several times for several hours, even overnight one time. If I try to run it in Safe Mode it give me the error:

1607:Unable to Install Installshield Scripting Runtime

It comes in at about the same point as it goes to the BSOD in normal mode.

Someone told me to send them the minidump file which I did but he could only guess at a couple of things, but nothing helped.

I was told to run hijack this, but I don't know who to send it to, to find out what is in there, and don't know if that would do any good.

I do know that one problem I have seen on the machine is that I cannot use the DVD drive to do any copies of CD's I tried a little while ago and they came out incomplete or just wouldn't finish. I was able to use the drive to install all the other software with no problem.

Does anyone here have any idea what else I could try?