mysticalminded 0 Newbie Poster


I recently had a broswer hijacker. After cleaning up the problem and running several anti-spyware adware programs and 2 seperate virus scans my computer is running great except for one problem. When I go to upload a photo to the web it errors me out. It will give me the message like you would get if you tried to get on the web without an internet connection. It will then cause this error message to occur in all open webpages and any webpages I try to open after the fact. I will then have to restart aol. I have the same problem using firefox.

I have used Norton Anti-Virus, AVG Anti-virus, spyware begone, spybot, adaware, pc checkup, registry fix, spysweeper, ccleaner, no trace, and counterspy. All on various techs advice.

I have windows xp home. I am using aol 9.0VR dialup. I make online memorials. When I go to upload a photo The blue bar fills like it is being loaded and then I get a dns error I am not online. It will then error out all of my open web pages and the error message will appear in any new page I try to open. i have to restart aol to fix this.

It says the page can not be displayed and I need to adjust my browser settings. I have checked my ssl 2.0, ssl 3.0, tls 1.0 settings and cannot find the checkbox for my pct 1.0 setting.

I do not have a virus or any other malware problems that i know of. I have cleaned out my cache, fixed my registry, etc. and I can not get this problem to go away. AOl says it's a microsoft problem. Microsoft says it's an aol problem...can anyone please help me with this?
I volunteer my time making online memorials and it is giving me quite a backlog!

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