I have been having problems on Outlook, it is a strange problem. Everytime i get a new message, outlook crashes, it stops responding and then it closes. I have tried to run the fixmapi.exe but it is unsuccessful. I also tried Uninstalling Microsoft Office 2007 and reinstalling it, but it still gives the same error message! Everytime the computer boots up this popup boxs appears and says that the

WindowsSearch.exe is unable to be located. Saying theres something wrong
with the MAPI32.dll

I have google the problem and tried their solutions but no solutions have been found. I need help and any suggestions possible to resolve this issue. I can start it(outlook) back up after i receive an e-mail message and read it but everytime i get a new message it crashes. Any suggestions??


Hello again this is JT,

I don't know why this is still hapenning been trying to work with our IT department about the issue but nobody seems to know whats up so i guess it will never get resolved, I switched back to 03 outlook and no problems. I hate Office 2007! aghh.. Thank you for passing by!

I had a similar problem with Office 2007 when installing over Office 2003, and it turned out to be a problem with the registry. Try downloading the free CCleaner at http://ccleaner.com/download, and run the registry cleaner. There should be a fair number of issues, I fixed them all. This banished the configuration screen for good!

I'm quite confident that this solution will work for other users since there is no machine-specific problem - CCleaner should find the culprit.

Good luck with this irritating bug.

LOL, Not all issues can be fixed with a CLEANER.

real answer

first , I installed 2007 trial (give few dollars to MICROSFOT CORP ) to test it for a few month

then reinsatll 2003, forgot to remove office 2007 from the add/remove file


all MS office work

except the corrupt mapi32.dll error for OUTLOOK only

--- recently it works

by doing quite a number of things

remove the 2003 office
create a new "NEWGUEST" Account with admin rights

rename all similar name files -- as it said here


reinstall outlook only for this NEWGUEST account

then create a shortcut to this OUTLOOK in C:\root dir

and STOP an CANCEL 2007 installation (every single time) when 2003 OUTLOOK Is opened, (I seldom use email, so it is ALL RIGHT)

then , this will work

I guess, I could delete the account NEWGUEST now

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