Hy, please help
For last two days I'm having problems with instalizing .net Framework 1.1 on my XP Pro SP2, I'm geting the information that " An error accurred while Windows Installer was Inizializing". The following steps I have made allreeady: I have install the mew version of WI 3.1(v2),
then, 1. On the "Start" menu, click "Run:.
2. In the "Open" box, type "msiexec /unreg", and then press ENTER.
3. On the "Start" menu, click "Run".
4. In the "Open" box, type "msiexec /regserver", and then press ENTER.
I have clean all %temp% files, all cach internet files. net. Framework 2.0 i can instalize without problems and deinstalized. My friens said that I have to reinstall windows. Please if you have any sugestion let me know