I hope someone can help me: I am trying to get everquest 2 to run on my computer. I meet the specs for the game, supposedly, but I am getting an error from the program telling me two things:
1) Texture Units 2 < 4
2) Pixel Shader 0X0000 < 0X0101

Now obviously this has sometihng to do with my graphics card, but I can't find a setting to reflect these values; to be honest I'm not really too sure what they mean at all. I've downlaoded the updates for both my OS (Win XP Pro) and my graphics card. Any thoughts or answers would be appreciated.

is this when you first start the game, or when the gameplay starts?

is this when you first start the game, or when the gameplay starts?

When I double click the icon, the screen flickers and then nothing happens. I found the error during installation (see screenshot).

strange. my best bet would be to goto display properties (right click on desktop) -> the settings tab -> advance -> troubleshoot -> then tone up (or down, im not too sure) the slider that says hardware acceleration.

im pretty sure that your card will have this setup, sorry if it doesnt work too. let me know how it goes!

I have already tried this as well...My drivers have all been updated, 've checked both increasing and decreasing my hardware acceleration, as well as used the nvidia nforce tools...Nothing....

hmm my next suggestion would have been update drivers and the nforce tools! thats strange man. Try giving nvidia a buzz!

hmm my next suggestion would have been update drivers and the nforce tools! thats strange man. Try giving nvidia a buzz!

What's worse, the nvidia people do not directly dea with consumers- you have to contact someone else, though I'm not sure who they want me to call. Probably Dell, which is basically saying I'm screwed. Their award-winning customer support sucks worse than McDonald's.

eerrrr........ uummmmmm.......

That message is telling you that your display card is not good enough for the game.

A GeForce4 MX card is DirectX 7 compliant only. The pixel shader part of the message is a DirectX8 feature, and the texture part of the message indicates that your card hasn't got the capability to process the textures required.

Everquest 2 requires a DirectX9 compatible card (which your MX is, although it doesn't have the full feature set even of DX8) and one which is pixel shader and vertex shader compatible (which your card is not).

Sorry, but an upgrade is necessary for that game. A minimum of a Radeon 9200 or a GeForce FX5200 will be necessary.

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