I had the exact same problem as you, I uninstalled all java components and now it works again. Hope this will help for you too.

Hi, I am also running Internet Explorer 6.0.2800.1106.xpsp2.030422-1633 on XP Home.

My problem is when every I want to open this browser it close in by itself in a without warning.

Not know what is wrong with my IE6 Browser. Can any one help....?


Hi there,

I split your forum out of the one that you replied to. In general, proper forum etiquette would dicate that if you have a seperate issue, even though it's the same as the original poster's, you should want to create a new thread, so your specific issue gets the attention it needs, as your situation may be different from the original poster's.

My problem is when every I want to open this browser it close in by itself in a without warning.

Scan your system for viruses, spyware, and other infections; malicious programs can seriously alter and damage IE. Read the threads in our Security forum for more information on how to detect and remove the "nasties". If you find that you're infected, please start a separate thread in the Security forum and post your info/questions there- we don't deal with those sorts of problems in any other forum but Security.

After cleaning my PC with Spybot. The IE6 is back to normal.

Very cool- glad we could help :)

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