Recently I notice that accessing to remote computer always fail.
Before this it’s not a problem to access to remote computer.

Once trying to access remote computer error message prompt “No more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time because there are already as many connections as the computer can accept.

But I sure not even one person access the particular computer before I am.

Please help.

Hello Tay,

Please give us more details, such as a better description of the network setup/configuration, the exact version of Windows each computer is running, and a descripition of any possible changes made to the network just prior to this happening.

The error you're getting is a standard Windows networking error, indicating exactly what it says. Even if you don't think anyone else is connected, the computer seems to think they are. Remember that the Pro versions of Windows have a limit of 10 incomming connections, while XP Home only allows 5.

Hi There,

Thanks for your reply.

The entire computers link directly to a local LAN and control by Windows 2003 Standard domain server and no security policy been set on.

Some computer deploys share folders to allow others to remotely access and the shared folder security set to allow everyone to access. We are using windows 2000 Pro SP3 and SP4 and also Windows XP Pro SP1.

But I sure not even one person access the particular computer before I am.

Please help.

Are you trying to get to a shared folder? If that is the case and you have rights over the machine that the share resides on you can run Computer Management on that machine and check the share to see how many active connections there are on it. I don't think this is going to be the problem, though, unless your admin sets up the shares with limited connections. I believe the default would be unlimited connections. The allowed number of connections can also be viewed in Computer Management so if you want to use Computer Management on a remote machine that you have rights over you can right click your My Computer icon and choose Manage then go to the Action menu and choose Connect to another computer and browse to the computer or type its IP address. Once computer management is up go to the Shared Folders tree under the System Tools section and view the pertinent info. Cheers!

Error Message: No more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time because there are already as many connections as the computer can accept. But i just 19 pc connection on my switch. i have no server,i just share my printer. and all pc canot use this printer.only 9 pc.

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