i have 2 computers, home & work, home is 2000 server on an IBM laptop, work is XP on a Dell
i run Firefox & yahoo e-mail on both. both have office 2003 and both have same 3rd party programs installed. on work computer i can attach word.docs, send & receive as well as all other type formats. on home computer i can send & receive all formats except word.docs.
i attach the .doc it shows it is attached but is not received. this is what i have tried:
enable & disable firewall
checked the options tab for word.doc
checked AT&T support tool
run 2 different virus scans
checked start up options
deleted temp. file & cookies
tried different levels of macro security
tired different levels of security for internet options
checked and tried different options in firefox browser

none of these has worked, google did not turn up threads by anyone with the same problem,
since i have no problem at work, it is a local problem, i,m not sure but i think it may be some type of scripting or java problem, i know nothing about either,

hi brinella, no ideas on such problem..try to scan your computer for any viruses..but you said only .doc attachment doesn't attach to your e-mail, try to rename the extension of the file, to any extension you want, e.g. 123.doc, rename to 123.txt then check if can attached, just advise the person who will receive the file to renamed it to .doc...

i know you say only doc file but to be specific can you attach and excel file .xls, .html, rtf. and just so you know the server version of windows are set to the highest defaults security, to use it as a regular operating system you have to turn on a whole lot of setting

all other formats will attach & send, except .doc

i have 2 computers, home & work, home is 2000 server on an IBM laptop, work is XP on a Dell
i run Firefox & yahoo e-mail on both. both have office 2003 and both have same 3rd party programs installed. on work computer i can attach word.docs, send & receive as well as all other type formats. on home computer i can send & receive all formats except word.docs.
i attach the .doc it shows it is attached but is not received. this is what i have tried:
enable & disable firewall
checked the options tab for word.doc
checked AT&T support tool
run 2 different virus scans
checked start up options
deleted temp. file & cookies
tried different levels of macro security
tired different levels of security for internet options
checked and tried different options in firefox browser

none of these has worked, google did not turn up threads by anyone with the same problem,
since i have no problem at work, it is a local problem, i,m not sure but i think it may be some type of scripting or java problem, i know nothing about either,

How are you accessing your Yahoo Mail Account? Are you going through a POP and sending / retrieving you E-Mail through and E-Mail program such as Outlook Express? If so what program are you using.

If your E-Mail access is through a web browser only my next question would be is are you using the same ISP for work and home?

i use yahoo email on both home & work, its the same ISP using IMAP

i use yahoo email on both home & work, its the same ISP using IMAP

Okay so you use an Internet Browser to send / receive E-Mail. Have you tried different browsers - IE / FireFox on the computer that has the problem attaching .doc files?

i use the same browser & e-mail on the work computer. one thing, if i send a word doc from home to work the doc does not receive at work, but if i send a doc from work to home it does receive, so the problem is home does not attach the doc

i use the same browser & e-mail on the work computer. one thing, if i send a word doc from home to work the doc does not receive at work, but if i send a doc from work to home it does receive, so the problem is home does not attach the doc

I'm still a bit confused. You are using IMAP and the E-Mail client is Thunderbird / Eudora / Outlook Express or is it simply a url typed into the web browser Opera / FireFox / Internet Explorer? In other words what application do you open up to read your mail? The next question would be is does it matter how large the .doc is? Have you tried sending a small .doc file.

Two possibilities come to mind: 1) the mime settings on the home computer are not the same as those on the work computer or 2) some filter has been set up on the home computer to stop the transfer of .doc files. When you create the message does the .doc file show as an attachment prior to the send? If so when you look in the sent folder does the message appear with the attachment?

I had the same problem using Yahoo mail and Firefox. I believe it was after a recent Mozilla Firefox update that it changed. Here's what I found:

On the Mozilla Firefox menu bar - under Tools>Options>Content> at the bottom is File Types with a Manage Button.

I noticed for the file extension ".doc" there were two entries. One of them did not have an associated "action" so I removed it.

All works fine now.

i have 2 computers, home & work, home is 2000 server on an IBM laptop, work is XP on a Dell
i run Firefox & yahoo e-mail on both. both have office 2003 and both have same 3rd party programs installed. on work computer i can attach word.docs, send & receive as well as all other type formats. on home computer i can send & receive all formats except word.docs.
i attach the .doc it shows it is attached but is not received. this is what i have tried:
enable & disable firewall
checked the options tab for word.doc
checked AT&T support tool
run 2 different virus scans
checked start up options
deleted temp. file & cookies
tried different levels of macro security
tired different levels of security for internet options
checked and tried different options in firefox browser

none of these has worked, google did not turn up threads by anyone with the same problem,
since i have no problem at work, it is a local problem, i,m not sure but i think it may be some type of scripting or java problem, i know nothing about either,

i use the same browser & e-mail on the work computer. one thing, if i send a word doc from home to work the doc does not receive at work, but if i send a doc from work to home it does receive, so the problem is home does not attach the doc

as i stated in my previous post, on the server machine you have a policy blocking the doc file extention, are you using a web browse to acces email on the home computer?

Did you check your Mozilla settings?

I have a Dell running XP, using Mozilla Firefox and Yahoo email and I encountered the same problem. It looks like the .doc attaches for all practical purposes, paper clip and all but no file.

See previous post a couple of hours ago for my fix.

to wjbond - i already checked that option and .doc extension is not listed nor is most of the other extensions that i am able to attach & send

I had a client with a similar problem over a year ago...can you tell me what your home network setup is like? You said you have AT&T...are you by chance using an old 2Wire modem? What kind of router do you have hooked up?

my laptop is a wireless connection to a linksys router, i have checked my router configuration, that is not the cause

Are you able to send the doc via Internet Explorer using Yahoo?

my laptop is a wireless connection to a linksys router, i have checked my router configuration, that is not the cause

I apologize if this sounds rude, as that's not my intent: you didn't answer my question.

What modem are you using?

The problem my client had wasn't due to specifically the router itself. The settings were fine. It was a compatibility between the router and modem. Believe me, I didn't think your router settings were the cause.

i don't have the 2 wire modem, but it appears not to be a hardware problem becausei can send & receive .docs if i use IE, so the problem is my browser (mozilla-firefox), no one has yet responded in their support forum

i don't have the 2 wire modem, but it appears not to be a hardware problem becausei can send & receive .docs if i use IE, so the problem is my browser (mozilla-firefox), no one has yet responded in their support forum

Ok, thanks. That's what I needed to know.

I'll see if I can come up with any thing else. I'm sure one of us can get this solved for you...

Have you checked the "Error Console" under Tools? There's usually stuff in there anyway, but it might be worth checking. Might give us a better idea as to what happened.

Ok, thanks. That's what I needed to know.

I'll see if I can come up with any thing else. I'm sure one of us can get this solved for you...

Have you checked the "Error Console" under Tools? There's usually stuff in there anyway, but it might be worth checking. Might give us a better idea as to what happened.

What release of Firefox are you running?
Are you running the same release of Firefox on both systems?

The latest release of Firefox is To find the release you are running open up Firefox click on help and in the drop down menu select about.

You may want to do clean installs of Firefox and Java on the PC you are having a problem with.

FireFox - http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/?from=getfirefox - click on the link and save it to the hard drive.
Java - http://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp (Click on Windows XP/Vista/2000/2003 Offline link and save it to the hard drive)

Download the latest version of FireFox and Java and save them on your system. Before you reinstall FireFox export your bookmarks and take a snap shot of all of your plugins.
1) Open FireFox Click on BookMarks and select Organize Bookmarks
2) In the Bookmark Manager window click on File and select Export and save the bookmarks .html file in a folder of your choice or on the DeskTop and close the BookMarks Manager window.
3) In FireFox click on Tools and select AddOns - Take a snapshot of all of the plugins you have installed.
4) If you have customized the options in FireFox click on Tools select Options and make a note of all of the settings you use for FireFox.

I use LViewPro to capture the screens and save them as JPG files for future reference. You can use any screen capture program you want to do the same if you like.

1) Click on Start / Settings / Control Panel and select Add Remove programs to uninstall FireFox and all versions of JAVA
2) Manually delete all Mozilla folders found on the hard drive - you will find Mozilla folders in C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\Mozilla
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla
Make sure to check every user Administrator, All Users, <user name>, system etc...
3) Delete any FireFox or Mozilla FireFox folder in C:\Program Files

After you have completed steps 1 - 3 you can now initiate clean installs of FireFox and Java.
1) Install the latest version of JAVA.
2) Install FireFox - the first time FireFox starts up you will know you have a clean install when it asks you if you want to import bookmarks. If you don't get this message then there are some Mozilla \ FireFox components still hanging around on the drive. If you get the message reply NO and let FireFox continue to start up.
2) After FireFox starts up click on the bookmarks tab and select organize bookmarks. In the Bookmarks Manager window click on File and select Import.
3) Click on Tools select Options and update the setting using the information you saved earlier.
4) Install the FireFox plugins - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/ you can use the search feature to find the plugins from your saved screen shot / list and re-install the plugins

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