Malware families stick together

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Unified threat management specialists Fortinet has announced the most reported high-risk threats during the course of the last month, and it makes interesting reading. According to Fortinet it proves that birds of a feather do flock together as the most definable malware trend was most definitely the fact that the mass-mailer families of MyTob and MyDoom used their collective strength to dominate the top ten 10 list both individually and as a family force.

"The mass-mailer families of MyTob and MyDoom showed strong activity in February and represent a significant portion of this month's malware attacks." Fortinet reports, adding "As an individual contributor, Trojan Pushdo!tr's pornography-laced zip-file attachments pulled out an aggressive two-day attack, allowing the Pushdo variant to make its debut onto the Top Ten."

The consistent attacks by malware families just did not let up throughout the month, with only a periodic rapid-fire approach by individual variants punctuating the monotony. "Mutations of accessible malware code have allowed families, such as MyTob, to thrive and form a visible presence in today's threatscape," said Derek Manky, security research engineer for Fortinet.

Here's that family top 10 in full:

1 Netsky (Mass mailer)
2 MyTob (Mass mailer)
3 HTML/Iframe_CID!exploit (Exploit)
4 Pushdo (Trojan)
5 Storm (Trojan)
6 MyDoom (Mass mailer)
7 Bagle (Mass mailer)
8 Agent (Adware)
9 Grew (Worm)
10 W32/Istbar.PK!tr.dldr (Trojan)

While the individual threat list looks like this:

1 W32/Netsky!similar (Mass mailer)
2 HTML/Iframe_CID!exploit (Exploit)
3 W32/Small.FQS!tr.dldr (Trojan)
4 Adware/Agent (Adware)
5 W32/Grew.A!worm (Worm)
6 W32/Pushdo!tr (Trojan)
7 W32/MyDoom.N@mm (Exploit)
8 W32/Bagle.DY@mm (Mass mailer)
9 W32/MyTob.fam@mm (Mass mailer)
10 W32/MyTob.FR@mm (Mass mailer)

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