Oh the irony: Kaspersky provides Safer Internet Day advice

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Today is Safer Internet Day 2009, apparently. Every year since 2004, one day in February has been designated as Safer Internet Day in order to promote a safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones. It is aimed primarily at children and young people across the world. According to one press release which arrived with me this morning it helps to underline the "importance of security matters on the Internet."

Ordinarily, such a statement would not have raised my eyebrows at all, nor caused me to stifle a somewhat sarcastic giggle. But this press release arrived from press office over at Kaspersky. Yes, the same people who are currently feeling the heat of the media following the revelation that the usa.kaspersky.com website fell victim to a SQL Injection hack attack. Heat which has been turned up fully to flame after Kaspersky confirmed the incident in a statement but appeared to be in denial mode over the seriousness of such a situation for a leading security outfit.

The irony does not escape me, therefore, when that Kaspersky press release includes the statement that "...it is not only important to have ones machine always patched with the latest updates, but it is crucial to use the comprehensive protection system that is only provided by an up-to-date Internet security software."

David Emm, Senior Technology Consultant, Kaspersky Lab UK says that "...we at Kaspersky Lab think that Safer Internet Day is a great initiative." I wonder if he secretly wishes it was not happening until March though, when the current fuss has all blown over.