I have 2 boxes that enable me to use the internet, one is a modem

westell c90-610030-06 (provided by my isp, bellsouth)

and the other one is my router (store bought, wireless router, links all 3 of my computers)

Linksys WRT300N

to be able to forward my ports correctly, i must forward the ports to both of these boxes.

Now, the ip addresses are different on both of them, 192.168.3.### on the linksys, and 192.168.1.### on the modem. i have my static ip set up to my linksys. wich works fine.

However when i try to forward my static ip address:, to my modem(westell) it tells me its not compatible with the private ip adress 192.168.1.###

my connection only works when my static ip is set up with my Linksys router, but when i try to change the Linksys router ip address to , none of my computers get internet. :-/

note: none of my computers are set up with a static ip address except mine.

-is there anything i need to do to my computers after i change the linksys ip to, to allow them to connect to it? or is there another problem?

ill be on most of the time to answer any questions about my setup.

BUMMBBB come on ^^ big community = more help? xD

Now, the ip addresses are different on both of them, 192.168.3.### on the linksys, and 192.168.1.### on the modem. i have my static ip set up to my linksys. wich works fine.

Are you setting the static because you want it to be that, or have you been assigned a static IP by the ISP (or some entity)?

Are you using DHCP?

Are you setting the static because you want it to be that, or have you been assigned a static IP by the ISP (or some entity)?

Are you using DHCP?

yeah i am using DHCP, well i cant set up my static ip to work with both of my routers. they have different addresses.

Please give me more info about the static IP. Like why you are using a static IP, why you chose this particular one, did someone assign it to you?

I need more of a picture of the setup and why you're doing it this way in order to help...

Why do you need two routers for the one LAN?

Ditch the ISP supplied modem and utilize the linksys with the inbuilt modem configured with your ISP server access details.

Modem addy should be 10.0.0 etc

I have a similar issue - One physical location, two buildings, two routers, two ISP's.

They are on the same physical network - but operating under different IP ranges.

Router A:
Router B:

All I want is for all the computers on both sides to see each other so we can share files and play LAN games. So how can a computer see a computer on this setup?

Please forward your response to belch85@gmail.com

Please respond or give solution here as i have same problem. two routers, and networks with different ip ranges. Need to share files from one to other.

one ip range 172.18.86.## connects to external Wireless network
192.168.1.## is internal wifi.

have pc's on 172 side which need access on 192 side, vice versa

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