I have 2 boxes that enable me to use the internet, one is a modem
westell c90-610030-06 (provided by my isp, bellsouth)
and the other one is my router (store bought, wireless router, links all 3 of my computers)
Linksys WRT300N
to be able to forward my ports correctly, i must forward the ports to both of these boxes.
Now, the ip addresses are different on both of them, 192.168.3.### on the linksys, and 192.168.1.### on the modem. i have my static ip set up to my linksys. wich works fine.
However when i try to forward my static ip address:, to my modem(westell) it tells me its not compatible with the private ip adress 192.168.1.###
my connection only works when my static ip is set up with my Linksys router, but when i try to change the Linksys router ip address to , none of my computers get internet. :-/
note: none of my computers are set up with a static ip address except mine.
-is there anything i need to do to my computers after i change the linksys ip to, to allow them to connect to it? or is there another problem?
ill be on most of the time to answer any questions about my setup.