We have two wired Netgear routers. One is EN104 and the other is FS105. Until recently, we had all plugged into the FS105 and a RP114. We have 6 computers in the network. For some reason recently, we have not been able to see all the computers. The main hub computer cannot see two computers. Those two computers see each other, but no other computers. We have checked the lines and each can get online fine. I doubt if the switch made a difference, but who knows.

Any suggestions/ideas?

Edited to add that most are on Windows 98se, but two have XP and one has Linux. There is no problem with the XP's or Linux.

Thanks very much!

If no one knows the answer to this, does anyone know where I can go to find the answer? Thanks!

what exactly do you mean - can't see? can't ping by ip as well?

Yes If both network are DHCP server and assgned automatically you can access or assign IP Manually in range of desired Network, 2nd if ur still unable to work then enter IP in IE where u want to go

Sorry that above post for some one else
The system u was unable to see they are may be behind some firewall or ping BIOS is off uncheck.

How do I ping? The firewall is only in the router. Should be okay there. This is really getting frustrating. I remembered, too, that my isp had me do something with my IP address and that's about when it all began. Remember, though, I can see three other computers, two that run XP and one that runs a Suiss (sp?) A Linux deal. The other two computers I don't see are running Windows 98se, as well as my own.

in windows 98 you do the following:
type in "command" and press enter
in the dos shell type "ping 111.222.333.444"
the number being the IP of the pinged host

It says, "Destination net unreachable."

what did you ping?

I have no idea. I just followed the above instructions. Neophyte here.

that bad...
alright, in the "command" black window type "ipconfig /all" and copy-paste the result here

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