DaniWeb survives Sandy but Gawker, Gizmodo and Assassins’ Creed 3 go down

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I am pleased to report that DaniWeb, based about half an hour outside Manhattan in Uniondale, Long Island, New York has survived Hurricane Sandy. There were no downtimes or outages, and all staff are OK. Not everyone in the tech space has been so lucky it would seem.


Four big online names have suffered outages after Datagram, a web hosting and data center outfit based in Manhattan, lost power.

Buzzfeed, Gawker, Gizmodo and The Huffington Post were amongst the sites impacted by the power loss after Datagram experienced flooding to the basement of its building last night.

Intermap, another New York based data center, also experienced flooding. An email to customers advised that the sub-basement at Intermap's LGA11 facility on Broad Street was experiencing flooding that had destroyed the diesel pumps providing fuel to generators and emergency fuel supplies would be expired within a few hours.

Meanwhile, New York gamers hoping to hanker down with a copy of Assassin's Creed 3 were out of luck after Gamestop battened down the hatches and cancelled all the Northeastern US midnight launches. Gamestop says that all stores will remain closed until it is safe to re-open them. An official post on social media sites urged "safety and peace, Assassins.”

You can check out the progress of Sandy using the Google Hurricane Sandy 2012 Crisis Map which uses Google's new Public Alerts system on Google Maps. The Crisis Map shows summaries of power outage information at a click, as well as more general real time storm tracking and forecasting.

Our thoughts here at DaniWeb are with the families of the 13 people who have died overnight.

If you have been hit by Hurricane Sandy please let us know how you got on. Did you experience any tech outages, or was technology your vital link to the world as the storm passed by?

Member Avatar for LastMitch

Buzzfeed, Gawker, Gizmodo and The Huffington Post were amongst the sites impacted by the power loss after Datagram experienced flooding to the basement of its building last night.

I haven't forgot about the storm.

An official post on social media sites urged "safety and peace, Assassins.”

I saw that.

BigPaw 17 Master Poster

When I saw this post I thought Sandy was still alive and kicking up companies... :-D

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